Foro Romano Palatino



History: The Imperial Forums are a series of monumental squares built between 46 BC and 113 AD by the emperors of Rome. These forums were the political, religious and commercial centre of ancient Rome. They were built in succession by Julius Caesar, Augustus, Vespasian, Nerva and Trajan, each adding new structures and monuments.

Cultural significance: The Imperial Forums represent the heart of ancient Rome and its imperial power. Each of these forums had a specific function and housed temples, basilicas, and spaces for public and political life. They were not only administrative centres, but also symbols of the prestige and greatness of the emperors who had built them.

Architectural Features: Among the most important forums are:

Forum of Caesar: Inaugurated in 46 BC, it was the first of the Imperial Forums. It was dominated by the Temple of Venus Genetrix.

Forum of Augustus: Built to celebrate Augustus’ victory over Brutus and Cassius. It included the Temple of Mars Ultor.

Forum of Trajan: The largest of the Imperial Forums, completed in 113 AD. It included the Basilica Ulpia, Trajan’s Column and an adjacent market.

Decline and Excavations: With the fall of the Roman Empire, the Forums fell into disrepair and many of their structures were dismantled or buried under new constructions. Archaeological excavations that began in the 19th century and intensified in the 20th century have unearthed most of these monuments, revealing the complexity and magnificence of ancient Rome.

Modern Use: Today, the Imperial Forums are one of the most important archaeological complexes in the world. They are visited by millions of tourists every year and offer a unique experience of immersion in Roman history. Excavations and restorations continue, with new discoveries enriching our understanding of the life and culture of ancient Rome.